I found myself 'Ozzy Man' narrating the gymastics while I was watching it... 'splitty to the gods!'

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As it should be, as it should be. 🍻

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me too! 🤣🤣

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Same! "There's a spinny-flippy thing!"

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I knew it was animal related content she was smashing onto the floor, but I wasn’t able to see the nuances of what she broke. Misunderstood genius, clearly. I feel so ignorant thinking she’d lost a bet and came up with this sh…routine in the pub on the way to the competition. Thanks for opening my eyes, O-Man.

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😂 glad to be of service, Timbo. Loads of nuances in there I reckon m8.

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She did lose the bet. This is it.

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Ah! The Ozzys RayGun commentary! Now all we need is Finnish horse stick riding into the Olympic games. I especially enjoyed Ozzys commentary on the horse stick video, since I’m Finnish. Doesn’t matter is it sports, olympic games or people polishing a turd, if Ozzy Man’s commentating it, I’m watching it for sure! 😁

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I did watch it aghast first time, having been a teenager in the 80s and remembering fondly all the breakdancing shenanigans of the era.

But now, I applaud Raygun, absolutely no shits were given, and I hope she's brought that attitude home with her. I look forward to seeing some intensive KangaMoovs on dance floors around the nation.

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Might not go as big as Gangnam Style's moves, but there will be a place in the world for a few of these moves... Tuesday night at the pub 😂

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After you've enjoyed your Chicken Parmy special of course.

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I'm a dancer and I do not. We have so many amazing dancers in this country and to see someone so selfish and arrogant walk into a competition theyre clearly terrible at and then excuse her poor skills by calling it creativity is clearly some next level bullshit. Someone/ANYONE else would have worked so hard at their routine and tricks to compete internatonally and she passed olympic selection via nepotism. Her husband was a judge in the selections in a competition they set up. We finally get dance into the Olympics and this woman has less skills and " creativity" than the kids from dance moms. Pole dancing ( aerialists in general) should also be an Olympic sport. It's full of ex gymnasts. This woman should gracefully step aside and let someone with skill who understands break dancing take her place.

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She shamefully took away the opportunity for less privileged people to attend, who were actually good.

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Oh oh, im not sure you are allowed to criticize her, i think critique of her performance was deemed sexist. Lols. Anyway, you are dead right. I hope this is a wake up call from this farce. Obviously i dont condone hating on her, but nowdays critiquing, or joking about someone is hate. Anyway fuck yeah aerialists rocks

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Look, opinions are like arseholes. Everyone has one. People have rammed them down eachothers throats for the last decade and it's got us nowhere. I can't be bothered pandering to an audience. We may not think we're living in Orwellian times but neither did the characters in 1984.

So let's just call a spade a spade before it becomes a thought crime to have an opinion. She was olympic level bad at something she should have been olympiv level good at. There are some very strict criteria break dancing has to meet. Her work was so bad even the other competitors, who were trying to get into the zone with her, were flat out embarrassed for her. It's written all over the faces of her opponents.

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Its time we started pushing back against all of the nonsense of the last 10 to 15 years. I actually called myself a feminist 10 years ago, and my opinions havent changed, but all the identity politics has led me to just believe in equality without all the carrying on nonsense. Australian used to be able to take a joke, and laugh at themselves, but now are policing culture through outrage on social media. Time to fight back.

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What an embarrassment

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😂 Nothing is ever as bad as it seems at first... is it? It is, Jonno!? I bet you'll end up using the moves on the d-floor tho (when pissed at a wedding especially).

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Next time I have an epileptic fit

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So you're saying there is a chance? Yessssss.

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I wonder what Roy & HG would’ve made of this… Especially the number of times she gave the crowd the incomparable “hello boys” move… For those who don’t know what I mean… That’s “showing your arse / butt” to the crowd 😆😆😆

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They have commented. Look up Roy & HG - Bludging on the Blindside.

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Much appreciated ✌️😁. I’ve had a pretty busy day today & it will give me something to look forward to, now that I have some days off work. I’ve been a huge fan of theirs since 1987 & tune into their podcasts when I can. Thanks again 👍😄

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@ 1:01… “She moves into a crushed King Brown” 🐍🐍🐍. There’s no other dancer who could pull off that uniquely Australian move 👍😁🇦🇺

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And the crazy part is that she thought she was killing it . 😭

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First time seeing the entire performance.. A very unique performance. Very very unique.

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I’ve been sooooo been waiting for this one! 😂😂

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We need an Ozzyman interview with Raygunn while both watching the commentary to find out just how close you are. I reckon fairly close but she’ll iron out the details for ya.

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That would be epic 😂 I'm sure there was a Box Jellyfish and of course an Emu in there somewhere too, just gotta pin it down frame by frame.

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was this a prank?

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It's a fun angle to explore.

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who knows, maybe the next competition the Kangaroo hop will become common...

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Word is she only prepped less than 40 minutes? If no one else in her country competes…I mean, in the Kingdom of the Blind the one-eyed man is king.

Still. Hip-hop has culture behind it and it was clear she wasn’t connected with that culture. That was embarrassing. I’m glad Ozzy Man did this, or I wouldn’t have gotten myself to watch the whole thing.

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That was painful.

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She is epic and will be more famous than Hawk Tuah if the world knows what is good for it.

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I believe this came about because of politics. The World Dance Sport Federation and by default Dance Sports Australia knew that absolutely no one wants to see ballroom dancing in the Olympic Games so figured to take a creative expression and turn it into a sport for the Olympic Games.

When DanceSport AUS decided to run qualifying non of the hundreds, thousands of young breakdancing enthusiasts were invited.

Who best to call out the politicisation of breaking thank a 36 year old with a PhD who took up the challenge.

Best parody/statement of the Olympic Games.

We love you RayGunn for uncovering the hypocrisy of the Games.

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Eh, who knows how the shitshow went down exactly, but I seem to think that embracing a shitshow isn't that bad. It always feels like IOC takes itself way too seriously. I totally get that athletes train hard for most of their lives, it's a huge moment, people get to take their countries seriously etc etc. These massive events are always going to have unpredictable moments n fuck ups and/or athletes that tank n bomb hard, but I don't think it truly takes away from the spirit, competitiveness, prestige of the games, and all that other stuff ay.

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It DID take away from the outstanding breakdancers who could have taken her place, including a lot of talented Aboriginal women.

Her selection, and her deliberate performance (it didn't go badly by accident), definitely took away from the prestige and privilege of her event.

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Ozzy Man… What about the diver who hit the board with their feet… Trying a little TOO hard for some extra “flippy spinny, spinny flippy” action??? Now THERE was a monumental fuck-up, like the ones you were referring to 🤭👍

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Or the French pole vault guy who hit the bar with his dick?

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I’ve heard of athletes being “pumped up & excited” about performing for a home crowd but to be able to bring the bar down with his “bed flute” was absolute world class skill 🤣🤣🤣. Roy & HG would’ve had a field day with it 😂😂🤣

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His pole was too long…

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video or it never happened

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I've seen the video. The question is: was the bar hurt?

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Which “bar”??? 😂😂😂 The horizontal one high up or the one he was “packing”??? He must’ve been thinking about his girlfriend & what they’d be doing later on 😆😆😆

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So that's it.

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Thank you OM! Nothing could improve on RayGun's heroic and genuine performance; however, you have put it in a beautiful frame.

She is an inspiration to people like me who should always be duct-taped to a bar stool safely distant from the dance floor.

Here's to you and RG and all the Olympians!

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