
Raygun's Olympic Moves Explained by Ozzy Man!

Oi nah everyone just doesn't understand our wildlife. That's the narrative I'm going with ya legends.

I’ve got no idea how I am going to distribute this video across other platforms without the Olympics sending me a copyright strike and crippling my accounts ay.

I'll try to figure it out in the coming hours, days, weeks, or months… but of course I had to add commentary to Raygun’s breakdancing in the Olympics asap.

It looks like it was sent into me via every single available Ozzy Man inbox every 10 minutes for 3 days straight.

Anyhow, here’s another aspect in which having a smaller community on Subby Stacky is handy for now! It’s surely not worth the time, resources, and efforts to shut down the cheeky video here… is it? IS IT Intl Olympic Committee!? Let’s farken find out.

Enjoy it while ya can.

Appreciating all me FREE and PAID subscribers on Subby Stacky and have a sensational day floating around on this big rock in space everyone :)


Biased Dodgy Raygun Fan That Simply Can’t Take the Olympics THAT Seriously (credit to all the hard working athletes and winners of course. I honestly don’t think trialling breakdancing in Paris takes anything away from other events).

EDIT: August 16, 2024 - I’m reading and listening to a lot of different perspectives, and as rare as it is to say on the internet… maybe I’m changing my mind. Maybe there is a lot that has indeed been problematic with the selection process for breakdancing in Oz and the launching of this event overall in the Olympics.

It’s a funny one. But yeah, I get where people are coming from when they say the performance is complete shit. It’s not all hateful to be saying it stinks and to also be questioning how she got this opportunity. On the flipside again, she is a human that had a crack and potentially had good intentions but simply bombed on the world stage? It’s not too soft hearted to keep that in mind. Yeah nah yeah, tricky one! Cheers for all the comments and for sharing ya thoughts subby stackers.