OMG, that guy at the end kicking the football, I LOL'd bigtime. :D

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My parents raised 7 children. Of the 5 girls, 2 were the very feminine type, the other 3 were rowdy and outdoorsy, but nothing to rival the wildness of boys. The older boy was very outdoorsy, the younger was quite studious. A mild-mannered family. I had 2 boys. Both were very much the rowdy little urchins who made noise, broke things, and had to learn by doing. My Dad actually asked me when they would be able to stand being around my boys (the younger was 3). I told him that I had no idea. If my parents had lived longer, the answer would be when the older was 30 and the younger was 25.

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I love this topic; the nature of males and females. It is easy to generalize that all males are risk takers and no females are, but we know better. Parents learn this the hard way. Our neighbors had 4 little girls and signed on to watch our 5-year-old boy after school 3 days/ week. After fixing holes in drywall, replacing windows, and a few other mishaps, they quit us. I am sure they thought our son was a spoiled brat. A few years later, after they had a son, they apologized for their negative thoughts. They learned that boys and girls can be 2 different animals with boys breaking anything not strong enough to withstand a bull elephant.

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Ended with a rolf! One would need a few beers to forget the broken foot/ankle enough to obey the impulse to kick that football ball! Dumb Ass!

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We've well an truly hit the back end free fall on the bell curve of evolution and survival instincts

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Was not expecting the ending...the guy kicking the football with his broken foot in a cast....LOL

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The last guy was epic, what was he doing out in the field with a broken foot? I did laugh though, does that make me a horrible person? Yeah, Nah!!!!!😂

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this video made me laugh hysterically and lose all faith in humanity at the same time.

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The secret to achieving greatness is a long line of dead young dumb blokes.

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Good for a laugh or two.

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Classic video footage of guys being tards. Most so called men today are total TARDS!!!

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So good! Loved it!

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The Ways of Men’s and The Ways of the Others’. (Title for a book on the up and coming----by truly yours). Your video justifies my way of thinking. Thanks.

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And my job is safe!

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Fair dinkum awesome as usual! Cheers ya ledgend!

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