Absolutely they should 🤔👍. Think about it… We do often hear about kids being bullied & bashed in schools & in sickening fashion, the fights are often posted online 🫢. They are also targeted by sicko sexual predators & if they are banned from social media sites, then hopefully the risk of that happening will be reduced dramatically 🤞😏. Thanks for tackling this issue Ozzy Man. Take care & all the best mate.
They’d have to do some serious research in how to enforce this… Especially if they register for social media apps & websites under false names & saying they’re older than they actually are.
As an international elder millennial wanker, I do think there should be more policy around social media restriction. I have a 14 and 12 y/o boys and they are bombarded with social media. You can’t even download some apps now without there being a social media component. Both my kids think I’m lame for not allowing them to have social media but fuck all that noise - there’s enough ways for them to be taken advantage of or bullied through video games (fucking chats amirite?) or hell even in the halls of school.
I cut my teeth on aol chat at 15 and while there has been a concerted effort to educate both kids and families on baddies and bullies then there was then, social media now is a fucking MACHINE and one I have very little grasp on with the algorithms and revenue and shit. Nevermind the US surgeon general saying social media is basically an epidemic for kids.
This seems to be a good starting point and hopefully more conversation and some balance will come to the issue and will hold these companies accountable.
You're right Ozzy Man, it's more than just a few platforms. It's how we choose to let our children be on the internet. Some parents don't have a way to stop their kids without completely kicking them off the internet. And many parents aren't willing to pull the plug due to bullying from their school peer groups. Kids are vicious when it comes to being on social media but you're a pariah at school if you aren't online at all.
It's a sticky subject but I agree with you that humans be humaning.
I enjoyed this bit today. I could have gotten into an actual chat about it. My eldest son is your age, my youngest is 24. They grew up watching kiddy TV like Disney and Nic Junior. But, I also had kid-appropriate games on the computer. They became computer savvy and learned to exit out by clicking on the X. just like your kiddo. It is all proper adult supervision. Then they become sneaky pre-teens and then the dreaded teenage years. In those years, they will do the opposite of what you want and you have to step up your game. One of my sisters lets her kids hook up with FaceBook at 12, but she stays on top of what they are doing. That's good because those years are when the bullying is worse than what we ever went through in person. Also, that is when they are subject to creeps grooming them for sexual encounters. There is a middle ground and it requires both parents to be aware and stay on top of what Sonny is doing. My son snuck into some adult games (rated Teen) when he was 8 ish. He woke up one night with nightmares because he thought he had killed our German Shepherd. It seems my idiot brother-inlaw had let him play Wolfenstein Prison and my son had been killing lots of guard dogs. His immature brain had a heyday with that! There is a reason games are rated how they are and parents need to realize that kids don't process stuff like adults until they are 25 or so.
I have issues with government entities acting like they are our parents by restricting things that are out of their purview. I understand why they do it, I just don't like it. Restricting kids under 16 will not get them off of the internet. It will not stop bullying behavior or pedophilia grooming. If passing a law would prevent the action, the 10 Commandments would have been the last laws issued!
I am well over 50, given that I'm 74, and while I agree with your statement that many people over 50 should not be allowed anything to do with the internet, that doesn't apply to all of us. A blanket statement like the one you made is harmful. Using generalizations is harmful. You can't lump us all together because some of us are quite capable of spotting the BS, the ads with bad hooks, the scams, etc. It isn't hard to educate oneself about such things. Love your videos, BTW.
As for the youngsters being on the internet, it would be next to impossible to implement that, given the fact that so many countries are involved with the entire mess. A regulation in Australia would never affect China, for example. Some countries don't allow any internet to pass their borders...or so they think. We all know that those countries have many people who watch whatever they want on line. Claiming that they don't know what's going on, such as the Russian populace is trying to say re Ukraine, is just a ruse to keep on being jerks. I'm pretty sure people in every country who really want to see what the internet is tossing out there will find a way to do it. How can it be stopped? There will always be people in the world who try to take advantage of other people. It can't be controlled any more than we can get insects to agree to stop coming into our homes.
I hope I didn't come across as angry with you. I'm not. Just a little concerned, because I've been noticing a trend on some youTube videos from other people, calling seniors boomers, and talking trash about us, like we're either all insane, all Karens, or all incompetent. It's concerning. I was literally attacked by a young woman in a store. She threw me into the checkout counter and ran past me. I was injured, albeit not seriously, however the trend by some YouTubers to refer to us in a negative manner is starting to have some negative results irl. I hope it stops soon.
While watching the video and hearing the 50 comments, I instantly saw myself as the Elrond meme. Made me laugh like mental, which I so totally needed mate! 🤣👍
I'm 69 (snicker) and remember the beginnings of the World Wide Web, I do. Also, I'm a historian (not "an historian," you don't say "an hotel" or "This is an heavy topic, Ozzy Man" do ya?) and as A Historian, I can assure you that humans (that's plural of A Human) have always acted like humans--presence of The Interwebs notwithstanding. By the way, I'm coming to Potts Point, NSW next March and am planning on defecting. Can you help me with that, Ozzy Man? I mean, I know Perth is on the other side, but...
I am of the opinion that 16 is the absolute minimum age for stuff like facebook. For instagram I would rather it be even higher. Like voting age whatever that might be in your country.
We had a rumor from social media recently causing kids to literally cry to stay home even though the local law enforcement stated officially that the threat was fake. Just one case but I think it is a good example of emotional harm these platforms cause on both sides of the posts. The kids who posted the threat and the kids that believed it are all dealing with a system that is inappropriate for them. I personally have not allowed tik-tok on my kids devices so I am hoping that is a middle ground that helps them be more discerning as they become adults.
LOL and p0rn is banned for kids under xx, insert your countries age. Guess what? It doesn't work! Maybe, as an alternative, parents step up and actually parent their kids?
No. People under 16 should not be banned from social media. They need to be taught logic, ethics, and critical thinking instead, so they know how to navigate the BS of social media, and understand that it’s sending them down an echo chamber of pseudoscience and despair - but because they’ll be educated, they’ll have the tools to understand this and argue against it.
Fuck that! I had input into the original Linux Kernel and Apache Server (upon the internet was built.) What I don't have is the thinking that having a YouTube channel makes you necessarily and expert on anything - in fact I suspect trolls and fakes well outnumber real experts...
Absolutely they should 🤔👍. Think about it… We do often hear about kids being bullied & bashed in schools & in sickening fashion, the fights are often posted online 🫢. They are also targeted by sicko sexual predators & if they are banned from social media sites, then hopefully the risk of that happening will be reduced dramatically 🤞😏. Thanks for tackling this issue Ozzy Man. Take care & all the best mate.
They’d have to do some serious research in how to enforce this… Especially if they register for social media apps & websites under false names & saying they’re older than they actually are.
If you haven’t already done it offer to be a consultant to your government- you know shitloads more than they do and could be invaluable to them!
As an international elder millennial wanker, I do think there should be more policy around social media restriction. I have a 14 and 12 y/o boys and they are bombarded with social media. You can’t even download some apps now without there being a social media component. Both my kids think I’m lame for not allowing them to have social media but fuck all that noise - there’s enough ways for them to be taken advantage of or bullied through video games (fucking chats amirite?) or hell even in the halls of school.
I cut my teeth on aol chat at 15 and while there has been a concerted effort to educate both kids and families on baddies and bullies then there was then, social media now is a fucking MACHINE and one I have very little grasp on with the algorithms and revenue and shit. Nevermind the US surgeon general saying social media is basically an epidemic for kids.
This seems to be a good starting point and hopefully more conversation and some balance will come to the issue and will hold these companies accountable.
You're right Ozzy Man, it's more than just a few platforms. It's how we choose to let our children be on the internet. Some parents don't have a way to stop their kids without completely kicking them off the internet. And many parents aren't willing to pull the plug due to bullying from their school peer groups. Kids are vicious when it comes to being on social media but you're a pariah at school if you aren't online at all.
It's a sticky subject but I agree with you that humans be humaning.
I just did a search and was shocked to find that ICQ only shut down in June 2024.
Holy shit. Amazing effort by ICQ 😂
Wow! I haven't heard of ICQ since like... 2005, maybe at the latest.
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, Over?
I enjoyed this bit today. I could have gotten into an actual chat about it. My eldest son is your age, my youngest is 24. They grew up watching kiddy TV like Disney and Nic Junior. But, I also had kid-appropriate games on the computer. They became computer savvy and learned to exit out by clicking on the X. just like your kiddo. It is all proper adult supervision. Then they become sneaky pre-teens and then the dreaded teenage years. In those years, they will do the opposite of what you want and you have to step up your game. One of my sisters lets her kids hook up with FaceBook at 12, but she stays on top of what they are doing. That's good because those years are when the bullying is worse than what we ever went through in person. Also, that is when they are subject to creeps grooming them for sexual encounters. There is a middle ground and it requires both parents to be aware and stay on top of what Sonny is doing. My son snuck into some adult games (rated Teen) when he was 8 ish. He woke up one night with nightmares because he thought he had killed our German Shepherd. It seems my idiot brother-inlaw had let him play Wolfenstein Prison and my son had been killing lots of guard dogs. His immature brain had a heyday with that! There is a reason games are rated how they are and parents need to realize that kids don't process stuff like adults until they are 25 or so.
I have issues with government entities acting like they are our parents by restricting things that are out of their purview. I understand why they do it, I just don't like it. Restricting kids under 16 will not get them off of the internet. It will not stop bullying behavior or pedophilia grooming. If passing a law would prevent the action, the 10 Commandments would have been the last laws issued!
I am well over 50, given that I'm 74, and while I agree with your statement that many people over 50 should not be allowed anything to do with the internet, that doesn't apply to all of us. A blanket statement like the one you made is harmful. Using generalizations is harmful. You can't lump us all together because some of us are quite capable of spotting the BS, the ads with bad hooks, the scams, etc. It isn't hard to educate oneself about such things. Love your videos, BTW.
As for the youngsters being on the internet, it would be next to impossible to implement that, given the fact that so many countries are involved with the entire mess. A regulation in Australia would never affect China, for example. Some countries don't allow any internet to pass their borders...or so they think. We all know that those countries have many people who watch whatever they want on line. Claiming that they don't know what's going on, such as the Russian populace is trying to say re Ukraine, is just a ruse to keep on being jerks. I'm pretty sure people in every country who really want to see what the internet is tossing out there will find a way to do it. How can it be stopped? There will always be people in the world who try to take advantage of other people. It can't be controlled any more than we can get insects to agree to stop coming into our homes.
Oh yeah don’t worry it was in no way a serious suggestion, I was being cheeky and taking the piss 🍻
I hope I didn't come across as angry with you. I'm not. Just a little concerned, because I've been noticing a trend on some youTube videos from other people, calling seniors boomers, and talking trash about us, like we're either all insane, all Karens, or all incompetent. It's concerning. I was literally attacked by a young woman in a store. She threw me into the checkout counter and ran past me. I was injured, albeit not seriously, however the trend by some YouTubers to refer to us in a negative manner is starting to have some negative results irl. I hope it stops soon.
While watching the video and hearing the 50 comments, I instantly saw myself as the Elrond meme. Made me laugh like mental, which I so totally needed mate! 🤣👍
Maybe they want us to all have a digital ID so we can prove our age?
I'm 69 (snicker) and remember the beginnings of the World Wide Web, I do. Also, I'm a historian (not "an historian," you don't say "an hotel" or "This is an heavy topic, Ozzy Man" do ya?) and as A Historian, I can assure you that humans (that's plural of A Human) have always acted like humans--presence of The Interwebs notwithstanding. By the way, I'm coming to Potts Point, NSW next March and am planning on defecting. Can you help me with that, Ozzy Man? I mean, I know Perth is on the other side, but...
I am of the opinion that 16 is the absolute minimum age for stuff like facebook. For instagram I would rather it be even higher. Like voting age whatever that might be in your country.
I say we put an age limit of somethings, like voting. Some, a few, are just too far gone from the present to be doing a number of things.
It should be under 21
We had a rumor from social media recently causing kids to literally cry to stay home even though the local law enforcement stated officially that the threat was fake. Just one case but I think it is a good example of emotional harm these platforms cause on both sides of the posts. The kids who posted the threat and the kids that believed it are all dealing with a system that is inappropriate for them. I personally have not allowed tik-tok on my kids devices so I am hoping that is a middle ground that helps them be more discerning as they become adults.
LOL and p0rn is banned for kids under xx, insert your countries age. Guess what? It doesn't work! Maybe, as an alternative, parents step up and actually parent their kids?
No. People under 16 should not be banned from social media. They need to be taught logic, ethics, and critical thinking instead, so they know how to navigate the BS of social media, and understand that it’s sending them down an echo chamber of pseudoscience and despair - but because they’ll be educated, they’ll have the tools to understand this and argue against it.
Fuck that! I had input into the original Linux Kernel and Apache Server (upon the internet was built.) What I don't have is the thinking that having a YouTube channel makes you necessarily and expert on anything - in fact I suspect trolls and fakes well outnumber real experts...