I know right?? But… Given her shit performance in Paris, I can’t believe she thinks she OWNS those crappy moves 🤨🤨🤨. I’ve seen better actual breakdancing from drunks at my local watering holes on a Friday & Saturday night 👍😝
I’ve done better moves whilst shut faced and having having a seizure, hey I can share the video as apparently the people that saw it thought that was more important than a fucking ambulance?!🤦🏼♂️
How’s that for a classic 7-second opener?? 👍😂. She’s threatening LEGAL ACTION over the shittiest “dance” moves (🤭) ever seen on the world stage??? RayGun should be given a one way ticket to DESTINATION FUCKED!!! 💪😜
Imagine if Eddie “The Eagle” Edwards had behaved like this after being so monumentally shite! For younger folk, look him up… He represented England in the Winter Olympics in 1988 and came a very solid last in both events. Big difference between Eddie and Raygun is he’s not an entitled brat and he took it on the chin, was incredibly charming about it and won the hearts of millions as a result!
This is too funny! I hope the Comedienne has success with her Riygun the Musical! I hope I spelled that correctly. I will now and forever only spell it like Musical so that the comedienne can trademark that spelling. Geeeezzz! I would think that her (the appalling dancer) dance moves would have needed to be trademarked prior to her performing them on the world stage of the Olympics. Since she did not, she gave them to the world. No other Olympic athlete has ever tried to trademark their moves. Look at the ice dancers who have plenty of individual moves between all of the required moves. This Rachel person is either a global narcissist, an idiot or is trying to keep her name in the spotlight. Or is that in the headlights? Well, I guess every nation needs to have at least one of these jokers to keep the politicians off the front page. I know we in the USA have plenty of our own. Would you like to have a few? Some celebrities still have not emigrated even though they promised they would after our recent elections and we would be happy to send them your way.....just sayin'.
Donald Trump tried to trademark "you're fired" and didn't succeed. There's no way Ray Gun can trademark "ray gun" because, as with "you're fired", you cannot trademark a word or phrase that is used in everyday common language. So no worries on that score, I would think.
I have seen multiple performers do the "singing in the rain" dance that Gene Kelly performed in the musical. I have seen many performers do the Fred Astair and Ginger Rogers ballroom dances on several occasions. I don't think you can trademark dances or dance steps. It's good to give credit to the choreographers who came up with the routine, but that's as far as it usually goes. How many times have we seen someone imitate a Michael Jackson routine from Bad, Thriller, even moon walking? Yeah, it's not possible to trademark any of it. Can you imagine having to sue such a huge population on earth for trying to dance like MJ? Good luck with that.
South Park dudes are an interesting case study, using real celebs all the time and taking the hits when the legal threats come at them, dunno if any celeb has successfully squeezed money or anything out of 'em ever.
Raygun…. What a twatwomble, she was to copyright looking like a total fucknugget on the world stage?!? 🤷🏼♂️🤦🏼♂️ FMAL, if you do dumb shit as she did at least own it, oh wait that is what she wants to do without looking like total twat yet again!🤦🏼♂️🤣🤣🤣
Her brand of ridiculous looking middle aged white women calling herself a b-girl and embarrassing a whole country? Yeah definitely don't damage the brand
Raygun! is a NATIONAL EMBARRASSMENT and an example of a no talent privileged white woman who still doesn’t understand why what she did was wrong and how she insulted everyone maybe she should be called “Karen”.
You are an empty vessel who depends on ridicule of others for your cheap laugh and gain. Get a life and a real talent. At least Ray Gunn has a brain. Stop the unnecessary pile on.
“Damage her brand”… 🤣🤣🤣… WHAT BRAND IS THAT??? 🤷🏻♂️🤷🏻♂️🤷🏻♂️
I'm thinking she's trying to bury the whole Olympics debacle, but clearly has forgotten that the Streisand effect is still a thing.
Also going after a comedian is literally the dumbest thing you could do with something like this.
I know right?? But… Given her shit performance in Paris, I can’t believe she thinks she OWNS those crappy moves 🤨🤨🤨. I’ve seen better actual breakdancing from drunks at my local watering holes on a Friday & Saturday night 👍😝
I’ve done better moves whilst shut faced and having having a seizure, hey I can share the video as apparently the people that saw it thought that was more important than a fucking ambulance?!🤦🏼♂️
Looking a total twat on a world stage?!🤷🏼♂️😹
How’s that for a classic 7-second opener?? 👍😂. She’s threatening LEGAL ACTION over the shittiest “dance” moves (🤭) ever seen on the world stage??? RayGun should be given a one way ticket to DESTINATION FUCKED!!! 💪😜
Imagine if Eddie “The Eagle” Edwards had behaved like this after being so monumentally shite! For younger folk, look him up… He represented England in the Winter Olympics in 1988 and came a very solid last in both events. Big difference between Eddie and Raygun is he’s not an entitled brat and he took it on the chin, was incredibly charming about it and won the hearts of millions as a result!
I loved the movie with Jacko playing him ay.
Hey don’t compare his chin with the weak ass chin of Raygun™️ as she owns the rights to dance like a complete fucknugget apparently!
Call it Reagan, and wear a Ronald Reagan prosthetic with that cap on top. 😂😂😂
Bloody Napoleon Vegemite…
Fucking priceless!👌🏼😹😹😹
Who had the bigger heel turn this year then? Raygun or Hawk Tuah?
This is too funny! I hope the Comedienne has success with her Riygun the Musical! I hope I spelled that correctly. I will now and forever only spell it like Musical so that the comedienne can trademark that spelling. Geeeezzz! I would think that her (the appalling dancer) dance moves would have needed to be trademarked prior to her performing them on the world stage of the Olympics. Since she did not, she gave them to the world. No other Olympic athlete has ever tried to trademark their moves. Look at the ice dancers who have plenty of individual moves between all of the required moves. This Rachel person is either a global narcissist, an idiot or is trying to keep her name in the spotlight. Or is that in the headlights? Well, I guess every nation needs to have at least one of these jokers to keep the politicians off the front page. I know we in the USA have plenty of our own. Would you like to have a few? Some celebrities still have not emigrated even though they promised they would after our recent elections and we would be happy to send them your way.....just sayin'.
Donald Trump tried to trademark "you're fired" and didn't succeed. There's no way Ray Gun can trademark "ray gun" because, as with "you're fired", you cannot trademark a word or phrase that is used in everyday common language. So no worries on that score, I would think.
I have seen multiple performers do the "singing in the rain" dance that Gene Kelly performed in the musical. I have seen many performers do the Fred Astair and Ginger Rogers ballroom dances on several occasions. I don't think you can trademark dances or dance steps. It's good to give credit to the choreographers who came up with the routine, but that's as far as it usually goes. How many times have we seen someone imitate a Michael Jackson routine from Bad, Thriller, even moon walking? Yeah, it's not possible to trademark any of it. Can you imagine having to sue such a huge population on earth for trying to dance like MJ? Good luck with that.
I had forgotten all about Raygun. She's really struggling to stay relevant
Can't vouch for Australia, but in most cases, "satire" and "parody" aren't actionable
South Park dudes are an interesting case study, using real celebs all the time and taking the hits when the legal threats come at them, dunno if any celeb has successfully squeezed money or anything out of 'em ever.
The classic walk-off at the end… Such class & so fuckin’ funny 🤭🤭🤭
Raygun…. What a twatwomble, she was to copyright looking like a total fucknugget on the world stage?!? 🤷🏼♂️🤦🏼♂️ FMAL, if you do dumb shit as she did at least own it, oh wait that is what she wants to do without looking like total twat yet again!🤦🏼♂️🤣🤣🤣
Her brand of ridiculous looking middle aged white women calling herself a b-girl and embarrassing a whole country? Yeah definitely don't damage the brand
Raygun! is a NATIONAL EMBARRASSMENT and an example of a no talent privileged white woman who still doesn’t understand why what she did was wrong and how she insulted everyone maybe she should be called “Karen”.
Raygun stole all her moves from the Teen Wolf movie. She should be grateful for her 15minutes of fame and just walk away now.
Except the one she stole from Michael Jackson's "Thriller" video
She simply wanted some attention...
A Lawsuit gets you that...
You are an empty vessel who depends on ridicule of others for your cheap laugh and gain. Get a life and a real talent. At least Ray Gunn has a brain. Stop the unnecessary pile on.