
Ozzy Man Reviews: Robbery Fails #6

Stealing is bad mkay.

This is a series that is best marinated in a content research folder for 1-2 years.

It cannot be rushed. It cannot be forced. You just have to sit and wait to see what dickheads will present themselves on the web… doing dodgy shit.

It’s not nice in many ways, but Ozzy Man should always retain some grit.

And if you have ever had your house or car or business broken into and stuff was stolen from ya, this series may be cathartic. The feeling of someone violating your space and stealing is one of those big time icky feelings in the world.

I have had camera equipment stolen from my Mitsubishi Sigma car once. That sucked. It was rental equipment back when I was 21 years old and trying to make short films for film festivals. The equipment rental place didn’t trust me much after that one.

AND when I lived in England the share house I was in got robbed. That one really sucked because they smashed a window, cut themselves, and left trails of blood all over the house. It also resulted in a camera being stolen from my bedroom...

Oh and my bicycle got flogged one time from the backyard when I lived in a share house in North Perth.

Okay, enough reminiscing on how I’ve been wronged.

Enjoy the video and the dose of thematic karma throughout it.


Oh, my Ozzy Man Clone is below if ya want him to read this text for you. He’s AI. He’s learning. Give him time to develop (trying to say Mitsubishi Sigma screwed him today). Here ya go:


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