I didn’t go the AI voice thingy….just reading how you write I had your voice in my head reading it for me. Love ya work Ozzy Man!

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It's good that 10 years of voice overs works as a clone of me voice anyways 🍻

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Mr. Leonard Cohen is “Everybody Knows.”💕

Thanks, Ozzy Man!

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BAM! Nailed it nice and quick there. I have no prize for ya, except General Clout for winning that mini pop quiz. Fuck yeah.

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I’ll take the clout. Cheers!

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Being an old wanker meself, my synicism got the best me. Mike, at least, gets to pay his bills for however long 20 million dollars lasts him

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Ozzy Man… I couldn’t possibly have given “a fifth of a flying fuck” about this so-called fight because anyone with even limited intelligence could see it was going to be fixed. If Jake wants to be taken seriously (he’s not right now), then he needs to see how he handles a REAL fighter from the IBF, WBO, WBC around his age who can & WILL throw decent punches. Fighting pensioners isn’t going to get him anywhere. Him & his mentally challenged brother are a complete waste of space. Had he fought Mike when Mike was the King of the Mountain, then Iron Mike would’ve damn near killed him.

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Who is this Jerk Paul wanker and why is he picking fights with old men?

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It's for the money, honey!!

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Solid commentary, Oz

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Like the written format, us legends have to make the effort to read your work. Extra bonus we can check if our internal AI thingy has mastered the Ozzy Man voice nuances.

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It’s fun to play around with. I used ElevenLabs. Guess I always gotta be open to adapting in the work I do ay.

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Fighting is not my thing! But, I was a bit curious how this would shake out. The final was, I think, the best possible outcome. Mike did well enough to save face and make $20 Million doing it.. Jake won fair and square, but didn't beat Mike silly. I did not want to see Rocky Balboa's face after beating on Creede. I hope Mike got in a decent hammer or two. He didn't look too bad after the fight. Of course, neither did Jake. Jake did show some integrity by not gloating about his huge payday, either.

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I did enjoy the Ozzy Man Clone struggling through some colorful language. What a treat. Cheers.

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I’ll keep training my clone going into 2025. See how good the fucker can get 🍻😂

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After I heard about it on Ye Olde National Publick Radioe, all I wanted was to see Mike's naked posterior--but not enough to search for it. Thanks, Ozzy Man, for making it easy for me!

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I’ll never watch it, I prefer to enjoy the stories of disappointment.

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1) Thanks for making the Banff Xmas Market a joy. Every Aussie who comes to our table reminds me that Ozzy Man is out there providing content that'll bring more joy into the world!

2) AI Ozzy. Fair dinkum representation! (Did I get that right?)

3) How would you say "Lake Minneawanka"? (It's bloody cold, I'd say...)

4) JP showing integrity like wet TP.

5) Bloody hell that MT has been through. Literally. True warrior, though. (Got Groove Armada stuck in me head, guess which song. lol)

Ethan, if you're out there: Respect. On this cusp of web 3.AI - yer doin' it right. All the thanks from this dodgy GenXer. JMC

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Love your vids, but also love this writen format. Great use of the new/old medium! (It did take me a bit longer to find time to read it, but was worth the wait)

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