Here’s me latest compilation commentary for ya on the Cybertruck. I have had this folder on me desktop for months. I like to let these thematic commentary ideas marinate before pouncing at the opportune moment ay.
It also nice to do one that is not a sequel these days.
I won’t lie, I’m a bit like a mini farken Hollywood some weeks. Lookin’ for spin offs and sequels to churn out. The best example of this is Destination F’d being up to episode 37 now 😂 A few have been wrapped up or discontinued in recent times (for now), such as Animals Relaxing and Robbery Fails is tough to keep doing up against Community Guidelines across platforms these days.
Let me know if there’s a themed compilation commentary you’ve always wanted to see me do in the comments below. I may just start a cheeky folder for ya idea.
Cheers legends!
Ozzy Man
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