It’s always a sure fire cracker when we hear those immortal words… “How’s it going ya big, bloody beautiful bastards, here’s me face!!” 👉😁👍

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@ 3:00… WHAT A LEGEND!!! 👍😆. I’d happily do that to these BS “influencers” 😂😂😂

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In a world of influencers, who is there to influence?


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"In a world of influencers, who is there to influence"?

There's still plenty of low I.Q. idiots out there, who will fall for anything.

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Yup...like becoming an influencer to appease the commercial gods. They push the vid ads like a drug.

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Certainly NOT me 🙅🏻‍♂️🙅🏻‍♂️🙅🏻‍♂️. I see them often, those who think that just because they have a camera & are posing & moving like retarded & constipated robots that they’re “all that & more” & that anyone walking past will be automatically drawn to & interested in what they’re doing. I just look at them & laugh hysterically 😆😆😆. The chances of any of these idiots influencing my decisions are as remote as re-floating the Titanic ✋😂

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You're the coolest, Gerald.

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Fc*uk tht Shtt Lol

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This contained several points where I actually, literally, honest to God laughed out loud. TY OM!

At the same time it contained so much shit that my faith in humanity is at an all time low. Influencers are a scourge!

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Some of these clips show us the proof that we are NOT living in the Matrix. The aliens wouldn't be such stupid wankers as to act like this. 😂🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿👍

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I'm agree with you, Ozzy Man.

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Thanks for another great installment OM. This got me thinking about counter-influencing as a concept. Like full-on parody accounts that are only mocking other influencers but doing it well. I bet the machine is aggressively stacked against allowing that to bubble up.

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Ozzy man.. you truly are one of our most influential philosophers of our time. You even twisted good old Rene D. in your ending remarks. Brilliant.

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Hells yes Ozzy man. This is the good shit

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OM F-ing god. I do not look at Instagram or TickyTocky for obvious reasons, and although I know the world is full of stupid people, this was a whole new dimension. Thanks Ozzy Man, you are bloody brilliant.

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Woa, that chickie leaving her unders in the bakery bin was disgusting with a capital bleck! I would have gone all grandma if I had seen that in person. I don't know if I will ever look at fresh bakery goods in the same way again. I also would have issues if some stranger wanted me to move out of their shot like the folks at the gym. It isn't like she wants a photo of her kids in front of a beautiful view. She wants a guy who paid money to be there to move so she can make a video and maybe make money from it. Nope, I was here first and you can wait until I am done with this set. The best clip was the girl who wanted her guy to pretend to stop her fist. I would be so angry if I had been called home from work like it was an emergency only to find the she wanted help with a Tik-Tok. Uh, who is earning the money here. I would have been tempted to let my face catch the fist just so she would never try that again. Plus, there would be the gossip mileage ( Susie belted Jack in the eye). I do love Hawk Tuah as influencer of the year. She seems unabashedly herself. She can laugh at herself and others, but push for the adoption of older dogs. She comes across as a nice person and a real person. Unlike some that you showcased her who are just after fortune and fame. In all, I like watching you and listening to your commentary as you showcase great stuff to bring laughter to all.

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Hell ya , I like knickers!

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I’d say Ozzy NAILED the annoying TikToxic voice and the advertising they do… as a bonus, he also nailed how we all feel when seeing these dumbass ads, especially the ads with muppets doing the “whore twerk” believing it’s classy like a waltz! (news flash to them… twerking in public is NOT classy…ever!🤣 - save that for you and your SO)

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Fair Dinkum Next Lavel Fuckin influencers shtt Lol

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You nailed the overall feeling of a generation?...population of people just living their lives not overly connected to all this strange influencer entertainment business. We can't help by finding one's online that we watch as it is entertaining...that was how we got dragged down the rabbit hole. People pretending to people. Wtf.

Love your values and "transparency " . 💝 Laughed out loud when I thought you spilled coffee all over for effect.Then thought " bet you wish you had staff with mop skills!" 😉

Have a great day! Enjoy your family and buying something as just a bad choice you made alllllll by yourself.

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