The voice cracking was a nice touch

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Dude more of us need to sit on fences from time to time. I, as a dancer had a vested interest in the topic. Im not happy with what went down. But seriously, when it comes down to it, does it really matter? We've got the swimming. I'd love for us to have the aerialists give it a shot but it took 40 years to get break dancing in there. So there's plenty of dancers that didn't get a say in how our country is represented but that's been going on for decades, being long term bitter about it helps nobody. Great acting. Hope to hear from you soon and I need a destination fucked tee shirt. Please remember the great examples of talent in this country such as Michelle Shimmy, Mishka, Miss Filly, Lou Landers, Cleo the Hurricane, FelixCane , Carli Hunter, Suzie Q, C, Maddie Sparkle, Jedda Jordan, Amy Hazel, Gracie, Miss Chilli and many many more.

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As an American, I appreciate your apology. Honestly, I thought you guys just didn't get it. Raygun did more of an interpretive dance in my opinion. It certainly wasn't Break dancing. But given my admiration of Australia's sports and how fit you seem generally as a nation, I simply thought she didn't understand the point and set out to do choreography instead of challenging, or calling out the other guy with her moves. Don't worry. Your prowess as a nation of sport is safe with me.

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hey ozzy man! Remember Eddie the Eagle Edwards.... they made a film for him! 🤣 Ray gun could be in a musical years from now!!

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Eddie the Eagle may not have been very good but he skied down a massive ramp and launched himself, with no regard for his own safety, off a man made cliff. A legendary act from a man aware of his own limitations immortalised in film. They don’t tend to make movies about people supposedly representing their country as the best of the best we have to offer that imitate Kangaroos on international television at about $10K per hoppy jump.

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What about the other Olympians immortalised in film, namely the Jamaican bobsled team from the movie “Cool Runnings”??? (Calgary Winter Games).

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Are you saying that Raygun is the best AUS breakdancing scene has?

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I didn’t even know we HAD a breakdancing scene 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️

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What about Danny Deckchair-loosely based on "Lawnchair" Larry Walters who flew over San Pedro, California in a lawn chair rigged with 42 weather balloons on July 2, 1982.


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I had just graduated from high school when he did that! We thought that was the coolest shit ever! If we’d had a store that sold those balloons nearby I’d have launched myself here in Dallas, TX!

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I hope so that would be a tremendous blessing for us as at least something good may come from this whole fiasco

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Don’t do that - thought your mum had died!!! Fuck!!

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Oh yeah don’t mean to scare the legends in the private chat. She’s doing good this week 🍻 next neurologist meeting is in October.

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God to hear - big shout out to the Nanas/Grans!!

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I mean, good to hear🤦🏼‍♀️

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That’s awesome news mate. Glad to hear she’s still around & her health is on the improve 👍😁💐

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me too!!

acting nearly got me!

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Only thing that saved me was reading the transcript below video - bad timing, considering recent personal events, OM!

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Australia flew over a national disgrace who broke breakdancing… best use of a destination fucked t-shirt ever.

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He’d need to get her lawn bowls or one day cricket outfit (whatever that was she wore) off first & then superglue a “Destination F**ked!!” t-shirt on her 👍😆

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I still assert that she was the cure to Hawk Tuah the world needed. You have to look on the bright side to get through this life. Besides, break dancing was from the 70s in New York, not exactly an advancement of sports. Maybe the Olympics could add disco dancing next. The Bee Gees could judge.

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We… broke… dancing. I’m dead that was awesome man

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This was the best bit of satire I have seen in ages. Good on ya. The Olympics need to be able to laugh at themselves. The whole thing has gotten outta hand. If the IOC has their way there wouldn't even be Winter Olympics, as it might offend some county with no snow.

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I mean we have all seen breakdancing either live or on youtubes, and we kinda have an idea of what is great breakdancing. Whichever way you look at her performance, it is not a good breakdancing. You can be kind or not, but it was bad breakdancing.

I don't really understand how the selection process works, but surely there must have been someone more suited to participate in Olympics from that region, no? I heard that breakdancing scene in AUS is tiny, so why even select AUS as participating country? I'm sure for the inaugural event, they could have just gathered the best breakdancers in the world and let them have at it.

What I don't like, though is all the asshats who were cyber bullying her. That is not cool :(

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Your friends don't dance and if they can't dance then they're, no friends of mine.

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Go easy, Oz. Everybody loves Australia. Raygun was fine. I see Amanda down below in the comments mentions Eddie the Eagle, and he came to mind when I watched RG. He became a hero, and RG followed in his icy ski tracks. You've got the opals, the shit-bottomed koalas, the convict DNA, the gold, the Royal Crown or Crown Royal, what's left of the Barrier Reef. Cheer up. I was afraid you'd had some family issue.

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Exactly! 👍🏼

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I cannot know what is in her heart, I cannot know what happened behind every closed door dealing to make the choice to place her on the stage, but I can acknowledge her bravery, her courage to throw herself upon the pyre of the world stage. That is what Australia - the whole world - should celebrate. She's not the best, she knows she's not the best, but her deep core said "nah, fek you, I'm going for it!"

Just an opinion.

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I hope Otto Hightower feels better soon. It's not his fault. Raygun knew she wasn't going to win so she just went out and had fun. So do most Olympians. I just feel sorry that she's getting hate for it.

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She single handedly sent the whole dance like no one is watching movement to destination F-ed.

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Aussies are so feckin cool you guys should get a pass on this one. Ozzy Man has all the awesomeness in one little finger and I’m calling this a mulligan.

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