Three of his tattoos fell right off.

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Poor guy lol. It's like he went through the stages of grief. Confusion, denial, sadness, acceptance etc 😉

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I’m just loving OzzyMan’s microphone clipped to a comb.

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Poor wanker. Looks like his world crumbled. Oi Ozzy Man your dog is lovely

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His eyes almost popped right out of his head. The fear! It was palpable, to say the least LOL

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RIP headphones users 😅

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He’s rethinking that home vasectomy kit.

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When?…How?…Don’t ask Who?

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This was basically me when my wife announced we were having twins. We already had one and only wanted two total

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When my wife was pregnant with our 4th child she put one of those things on the back of the toilet, but I never saw it or didn’t pay attention to it.

Finally after crying for a few days she asked why I hadn’t said anything. I honestly said that I never thought about it or even what it was. She said she thought I was mad at her. I said “It’s mine isn’t it, why would I be mad?”

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To be absolutely safe, maybe would have gone down better without the “Isn't it” just saying 😂

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Yeah, probably…. But I’m a guy, so…

That was our baby. She’s now 28. Her oldest child’s 4th birthday is today. Her baby, and only other child will be 2 in December.

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Classic Deer-In-The_Headlights moment

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I will never understand why, when some women get pregnant, they think everyone should be as thrilled as they are.

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Hahahahaha! Sounds like either you are a guy or you have never been preggers. Or maybe you just hang with over the top drama queens who think all of their acquaintances are truly vested in her life.

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We're having fun *our bank account isn't


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For once, it's definitely not me.

\\\(۶ ᐛ )۶////

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Ah, Thank you for this. I didn't realize that I needed a laugh so bad. Geez, so funny! I think it will take a bit longer to truly soak in. Mama needs to take him with her to the Dr. so he can hear the heart sounds and maybe see the ultrasound. That seems to be when it becomes real for guys. I got the queasy tummy right away and knew.. All of those comments you shared were priceless.

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The toddler and man are both handling the test, but to get a test result the mom had to piss on it. Maybe she could have just told them the result instead of letting them play with the pee stick…

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Most women will clean off the exterior and put the cap back on because we don't want to handle it either. You sound like you have never changed a blow-out diaper or have been barfed on.

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