I needed that so much after reading a daily recap of Mango Mussolini and President Musk's bullshit. You're the best!

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No need to go all political and ruin everyone's good mood after seeing this video!

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It's not ruining my mood [when you go political] - I love the Mango reference, good one.

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Ya. Nah, ya, we need your humor in the states. It's a mess with the orange turd in charge. I'm glad your here!!! 👋✌️🖖

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No need for any political references on this platform. This is for our enrichment.

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Don't like it, pass over it 🤷‍♂️ simple concept.

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Feck off mate, if you don't like my comment, simply pass over it, simple concept.

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😂🤣😂 Exactly

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Blows my mind how people don't get hypocracy or irony.

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No need to go all political and ruin everyone's good mood after seeing this video!

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If you're posting multiple times about innocuous comments "ruining everyone's good mood", I'd suggest more self reflection and medidtation. Also read up on what "the royal we" is.

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Yet another "bleeding" heart. Feck off, we all have a right to post out comment. Keep to yourself.

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Freedom of speech is not freedom of consequence. You're claiming you have a right to post what you want, but you're telling others to fuck off and Janet is telling people not to post about certain things. You see the contradiction in that, don't you?

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Thanks for this. I needed some cheering up too. Too much news about the f**k-up in Merika, and I'm on my way for another MRI to hopefully find out my cancer hasn't come back. Have a good one, Ozzy Man. Bless you.

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There is no need for racism on this platform, calling America Merika is about as anti America as you can get and it just so happens I am an American and proud to be one. We can't all have who we want in government. Just because we can vote doesn't mean we can get who we want.

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I am a Canadian and we have been insulted, disrespected and verbally attacked by your president. I think where I'm coming from is not racist motivated, but defensive motivated. When I see the kind of venomous rhetoric coming out of your leader's mouth directed towards my country and my compatriots, I feel it deeply. Canadians are a proud people, and we may be polite, but we do NOT take kindly to bullies. Your Diaper Donnie is a bully, and he is trying to bully us. My view of America right now may be skewed but I feel justified in feeling the way I feel about it all.

Also, it's hardly racist, in fact, it isn't racist at all to say Merika. Americans are not a race, because America is a country. I am insulting the idiots who follow Diaper Donnie, and it was obviously a sore spot with you, boo hoo Sue. I think you're likely one of the MAGAs and you felt attacked by my comment. If that's the case, then good on me. Just saying.

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Well this is a bloody perfect way to cap off a Friday, cheers Mate.

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Damn, the American accent was spot on perfect.

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Bloody brilliant, and much needed after the week I've had. Thanks Ozzy Man, you do a great service to the world. ❤️

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Always good to see people winning at life, need more of it.

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Lol. Sorry bout the 'your' instead of 'you're' ... 🤦

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Fuck, mate! Yes. Love you and your stuff!

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Maybe you were calling it tap dancing to have fun with it, but it's called Irish step dancing. A great addition to Destination Perfect as it's fascinating to watch when it's done this well.

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That American accent was 👌🏽

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I live in the USA, so NOT having a good week. (Probably not a good year either!)

Thanks for the laughs!

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Great dose of cheerfulness there OzzyMan, thanks for that - I think we all need it, not just America. Love the guy on the ice, he takes "cool" to new levels of chilled. Cheers 💙🇬🇧

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Thanks so much! We, here in 'Merica, need all of the cheering up we can get. Orange Pizza Sh*t again (!) makes us sad.

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I enjoyed this so much that I watched it five times (no exaggeration). The basketball clip is from a high school game in Shawnee, Kansas this season. The Mill Valley Jaguars were up against last year's 6A champion and lifetime nemesis, the Shawnee Mission Northwest Cougars ( from Shawnee Mission, Kansas). The young guy who won the game with the last-second nothing-but-net shot is Carter Kaifes. I hope he gets a full scholarship to a great University.

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LOVED the ingenuity of the factory worker (or was it just laziness?)

Thank you for all you do Ozzyman....Love it

Did you get the info I sent about the car?

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